A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Budget Spring Break Getaways
Your grandma's retirement community. "Lookin' good Bertha!"
Colonial Williamsburg. "Hey baby, wanna play stick n' hoop?"
Cape Cod (Generator and space heater recommended) "Do whatevah you want, just don't use wind powah!
A sawdust factory. "Dude, we can puke wherever we want!"
A quad at your safety school. "I'm just kickin' it at Podunk Polytech."
Highland Park, Illinois, home of the red party cup.
Any nearby store with mannequins to harass.
Douchebag finishing school. "Carmine, your tan isn't orange enough. No Axe Body Spray for you."
What's this "spring" you speak of?