A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Down and Out in Mesopotamia
The Iraq War was a media darling in the mid-aughts. "37 died in today's suicide attack."
But in the past year, coverage of it has dwindled to almost nothing. "...her buttocks fused to the toilet seat.
Languishing in obscurity, the Iraq War made a living by posing for tourists in Hollywood.
In a desperate attempt to regain the limelight, the Iraq War underwent an unconvincing makeover.
Ignored by the networks, the Iraq War went to basic cable for attention.
Iraq of Love with the Iraq War
"Ooh Iraq War, you so hot!" "BITCH BE LYIN'!" "SHUT UP YOU SKANK-ASS HO-BAG!" "Charity, Sparkle, you don't have to fight over me. I'm gonna bang both of you."