A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Journal of Obscure Medical Conditions
Bacon Intolerance - "Yum...OW!"
Crazy Racist Hands - "...And they always talk during the movie!" "That's an ugly stereotype, my hand."
Chronic Cheeto Fingers
Humor Blindness - "'Family Guy' is hilarious!" "I can't wait to see the Capitol Steps!" "I've never laughed at 'The Office.'" "Who's Bill Hicks?"
Restless Lungs Syndrome - "They won't stop breathing!"
Jizz Breath - "I wasn't blowin' anybody!
Constant Sarcasm Disorder - "What? It's a disease. I'm not being a dick! I'm suffering!"
Anal Pooping - "Oh God! It's disgusting!"