A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Kids Say the Most Pragmatic Things: Vol. III
Frankly, I'm glad they cut art class. Anyone who thinks art can pay the bills is a goddamn moron.
I love Santa Claus, but I'm not IN LOVE with Santa Claus.
It's too late for me, but the free market will take care of the rest of the poisonous Chinese toys.
The vice principal is a tyrant in the cafeteria because it's the only part of his life he can control.
Don't worry. Depending on what you look like after puberty, you can always get work as a stripper or a carny.
Given the 1% failure rate of condoms, and an administration hostile to reproductive rights, it's very likely that one of my schoolmates' parents hates his or her guts.
It'll be at least seventy years before I can piss my pants again without getting embarrassed.
I don't get what pedophiles see in us. We're gross.
All those words are making me sleepy.