A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Ineffective Public Service Announcements
Belt Sez: "Don't beat your step-kids!"
Do I shit in the woods? You bet I do! And you can too! Just dig a hole first.
HEY KIDS! It's time to rub one out!
Serious! We're not candy. And we could have serious side effect because the F.D.A. is too cozy with the industry it's supposed to regulate.
Stop-a puttin' your pizza boxes in the recycling! Mama mia! It's-a da rule!
Mr. Yuk means that music sucks.
Steve the Sleepy Smoke Detector: "Am I beeping intermittently? Just take my battery out so we can all get some sleep"
Are You Pregnant? Tight pants. Missing period. A baby falls out of you.