A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
7 Steps to a Cooler You
1. Paint some bad-ass flames on your inhaler.
2. Pick one thing and strive to be the best at it. "I'm the best balloonist ever! Eat my shit Jean Piccard!
3. If you are extremely uninteresting, offer those around you plenty of sex, drugs, and/or alcohol to compensate.
4. Start a blog detailing how awesome you are.
5. Buy a velvet rope and spend as much time as possible behind it.
6. Hang out exclusively with Mormon missionaries. You will be the coolest person by default. (This is known as the Fonzarelli Effect.)
7. Add "punk" to the end of your lame hobby to make it sound edgy. "I'm not a philatelist! I'm a stamp-punk!"
I'm not cool. I own a Zune.