A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
More Smears, Gaffes, and Laffs with Barack Obama
According to an email your grandma keeps forwarding, the following smears and gaffes will soon plague the Obama campaign.
He like the new "Indiana Jones" movie. "The CGI prairie dogs were cute!"
He still wears pleats. "Those aren't pants I can believe in."
He puts mayonnaise on his fries like some kind of Dutchman.
He cheated at Pong in 1979.
Similar to John McCain's computer illiteracy, he's terrified of iPhones. "Get that electro-thingamajig away from me!
He's a muslim Jew for Jesus.
He accidentally made a campaign stop in Canada. "Hello Calgary!"
He eats fries with a fork too!