A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Ask a Carny II: Advice from the Midway
My hobbies no longer interest me and I'm distancing myself from my friends. What should I do?
Get yourself on a rolly-coaster! Have some fun!
What criteria should I use when deciding who to vote for?
Just pick whoever you'd like to have a beer with. That's what I'd do if I was able to vote.
How can I convince my fiance that we shouldn't have kids?
Take him to the Freak Show. They've got a flipper baby in a jar that'll scare him sterile.
My roommate doesn't bathe. How can I talk about it without hurting his feelings?
Huh? There's a chick on the Tilt-A-Whirl who's about to pop out of her tube top!