A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
The Crappy Monster Squad
Conservative Frankenstein. "Libruls Bad!"
The Arugula-handed Beast. "Its hands! They're so elitist!"
Baby with a Knife. "Aagghh! It's a baby...with a knife!"
The Montauk Rotisserie Chicken Carcass. "It's deliciously terrifying."
Nader-Voting Vampire. "I vant to vaste my vote!"
The Creature from the Pristine Estuary. "Rawr! Let me tell you about my vital ecosystem!"
Skank-vira: Mistress of the Clap. "The results are in: You're nasty."
John Denver's Ghost. "Boo my friends. Care for a spooky ballad?"