A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Recession Survival Tips
Hollywood executives should probably hold off greenlighting the next Jonah Hill comedy. "Jonah Hill in Fart Camp"
As the economy worsens, be on the lookout for increasing hamburglaries and defaulting hamburger loans.
Food banks will now give you food in exchange for all the crap you drunkenly bought on eBay.
Water down your liquor and liquor up your water. "I'm still a-livin' so everything's okay!"
The discarded trappings of newly impoverished tycoons have practical uses. Top Hat: Poo bucket. Monocle: A tiny dish for a single bean. Tails: For ass-wiping. Spats: Ankle blankets. Cane: Bindle stick.
Join a porn co-op.
Put a brick in your baby's formula to make it last longer.
Vote McCheese in these times of trouble!