A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Swing States Say
The Election Night Party Game
As each state is called, do if Obama wins, or if McCain wins.
Montana - D: Give a dollar to the poorest person in the room. R: Punch the poorest person in the room in the stomach.
North Dakota - D: Make up three pieces of North Dakota trivia. R: Talk like Marge Gunderson for the rest of the night.
Ohio - The last person to go to the bathroom should shout: D: "Somebody call Joe the Plumber!" R: "My colon just disenfranchised my poo!"
New Hampshire - D: Live free. R: Die.
Virginia - D: Make a "Virginia is for elitists" bumper sticker. R: Separate the room into real and fake sections.
Nevada - D: Conduct a mock quickie gay wedding. R: Play Celine Dion for the rest of the night.
Colorado - D: Eat a rocky mountain oyster. R: Sketch McCain's rocky mountain oysters.
Missouri - D: Drink a Bud. R: Drink a Bud Light Lime.
Florida - D: Thank your grandparents. R: Give the finger to orange juice.
North Carolina - D: Put a vinegar-based BBQ sauce on whatever you're eating. R: Make a race-baiting phone call.
Even Republicans don't deserve Bud Light Lime.