A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Hooray for Space!
Filthy Fact! If you're observing the Orion nebula at night, you're looking at a nocturnal emission nebula.
Ham the Astro-Chimp frequently used sign language to call Laika the Cosmo-Dog a pussy.
Most pro-lifers wish Stanley Kubrick aborted the space fetus from "2001: A Space Odyssey."
If there are truly an infinite number of universes, there's an unshitty version of George W. Bush in one of them. "George Bush cares about black people." "It's true."
Phoenix Lander, 5 mos, space robot. The robot is survived by two rovers.
Inspired by "Star Trek IV," scientists are working on a probe that can talk to whales and ruin movies.
The pornography Carl Sagan sent into space in the seventies was surprisingly hairless given the time period.
In an infinite number of universes, your life is interesting in one of them.