A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Recession Recipes
Napkin Soup - 1. Collect soiled napkins and ketchup packets from fast food restaurants. 2. Soak in a large pot. 3. Boil. 4. Strain.
Gingerbread Housing Bubble - 1. Take out a predatory loan to purchase dough, frosting, and gumdrops. 2. Build house. 3. Lose house.
Hamster Foie Gras - 1. Buy a hamster. 2. Keep it on a corn syrup only diet until it dies. 3. Enjoy its adorable and succulent liver.
Free Cake - 1. Hitchhike to California. 2. Locate a bakery. 3. Rummage through its dumpster for discarded gay wedding cakes.
Sadness Pickles - 1. Gather your family's tears in a mason jar. 2. Add vinegar, garlic, and a sprig of dill. 3. Add cucumbers and seal jar.
The recipe for happiness pickles is much nastier.