A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
New Year's Tips n' Tricks
Placing a baby onto your liver can cure a hangover.* May not work if the baby is also a drunk.
Walking on stilts will make you the life of the party, AND keep you from stepping in any puke, piss, and other bodily fluids.
Whenever someone shows you the time on their iPhone, shout: "Hey everybody! It's douchebag o'clock!"
Where a lucha libre mask just in case any incriminating photos end up on the internet.
What Are Your Attainable New Year's Resolutions?
I'm gonna get my man-boobs down to a c-cup!
I hope to start reading at a sixth grade level!
I'm going to stop making new gloryholes and start sprucing up the old ones. It's time I gave something back to the bathrooms from which I've taken so much.
Drinking and driving is only so much fun when it's a Business song.