A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
The Obama Tortures
Although waterboarding will soon cease, the Obama Administration will create new forms of torture.
Boredom by a Thousand UMs and UHs. "I...uh...would've liked to...um...prepare a more...uh...eloquent sentence.
Brain-Busting Conservative Conspiracy Theories. "Obama's not a US citizen! He was born on a spaceship traveling at close to the speed of light. Therefore, he's foreign-born and only 12 years old relative..."
Will.I.Am Holograms
Goateed Homophobia "Gay marriage is hella lame. Unlike my goatee, which is awesome!
The Whines of Hippies With Unrealistic Expectations "He didn't appoint a vegan locavore to agriculture!
Listening to Your Mother-in-Law Speculate About the First Puppy "I hope it's a schnauzer! Oh no, wait! A pug! What do you think? Are you even listening?
Increasingly Dull and Wordy Political Cartoons "My eyes! They burn! So many words!"
Mega-churches are for mega-assholes.