A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Prime Time is Garbage Time
The Xenophobic Food Jerk "Foreigners eat this crap?!"
Rich Housewives Being Shitty
Joss Whedon's Show for Nerds "It's a drama, but it's set in space, or the future, or maybe the present, but with monsters and sci-fi. Also, some episodes will be musicals."
A Sympathetic Look at the Lives of Revolting Freaks "My hands are feet, and my feet are boobs."
Circus of the YouTube Stars "Is this real life?"
Isthmus of Mystery
Inspector Toilet "The killer wasn't nutty, but he left a clue that was!"
Jay Leno's Comedy Void
Foot-boobs is a serious condition. I shouldn't make fun.