A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Your Health and You
Prayer can heal you, provided God was the one who got you sick in the first place. "By the power of Grayskull, I give thee influenza!
Kinoki foot pads won't rid your body of toxins or gullibility. "Yup. You're still a moron."
Doctors have found that the best way to inform patients of a terminal diagnosis is via singing telegram. "Hello there mister! Or should I say "Goodbye?" 'Cuz that lump ain't no blister, which means you're gonna die!"
Frequent ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer and starting unjust wars.
Nutrition Tips
Only make bacon if it's for a goof. "My bacon suspenders are gonna make me an internet celebrity!"
Just because you can deep fry something, it doesn't mean you should.
Young adults who drink too much Guinness can develop "Early Onset Crazy Irish Eyebrows"
Bacon's out. Foie Gras is going to be getting all the ironic internet love now.