A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
The Home-Schooled Hero
Everything's going to be OK! Just don't tell Mom I'm here.
He was trained in a secluded cul-de-sac by an agent known only as "Mom."
Lacking friends his own age, his secret identity remains a mystery.
If I don't solve this equation, the trans-dimensional rift could expand and unleash unspeakable horrors!
Is that like fractions? Mom says I'm real good at fractions!
HELP! The reactor's going to blow!
I don't know nothin' 'bout nucular reactors, but can this volcano help?
We've got a hostage situation at the bank.
Don't worry about it! As long as the hostages accept Jesus Christ as their savior, Mom says they'll be raptured out of there in no time!
If you must home-school, at least give your kid some time away from you to wank.