A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Baseball's Not-So-Greats
Alan Sphinct - The only player with Nerf equipment
Dewey Doughan - League Leader in belly itching. Quote: "Ow! My scabies hurt!"
Jim Filburt - Knocked down 5 kids to get a foul ball.
Lenny Crummett, Sports Broadcaster - "He has to pitch out of a jam." "He can tie it up with one swing of the bat." "That's a good piece of hitting!" "He chased a bad pitch." 77 straight baseball cliches!
The Stipple Twins - Creeped out a record 24 Hurlers!
2nd Base Scarecrow
Some Guy - The Stands - Explained the "Infield fly rule" without boring his girlfriend to death.
Jackie Jolson - MLB's first blackface player.
Racist caricatures in baseball? That's unpossible!