A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
The Bankers' Dozens
Your Momma's so ugly, George Bailey,...
Your bonus is so fat, it's got other dudes' bonuses orbiting around it.
You failed upward so many times, now you're CEO of the moon.
The government is so broke, even it's applying for government cheese!
It would take you 70 years to earn what I made in a day. That's not technically a snap, but I think it's hilarious!
Your momma's ass is too big to fail. It's so big, she sat on the economy and broke it.
Your bank is so insolvent, you had to put your $35,000 commode on layaway.
Tim Geithner's so stupid, Obama said "Fix the economy." and bought our shitty loans instead.
Your assets are so nasty, they gave my balance sheets a yeast infection.
A commode is not necessarily a toilet. Sometimes it's an expensive piece of shit.