A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Solutions for the Newspaper Industry
Keep eliminating comics.
I'm sure glad they got rid of those comics!
Me too! All that laughing was giving me wrinkles!
I never heard you laugh.
That's because being near you makes me sad
Cut the crap and give your readers what they want: Front Page Sudoku!
Infuse maple syrup into the newsprint to increase the appeal of the physical paper.
Sneak some news into the horoscopes: Bring a fresh pair of underpants with you today: You are going to find the love of your life, and salmonella in your peanut butter.
People love lists and celebrity skin. Apply this to your coverage of local politics. The Top 5 Flabbiest Asses on the School Committee.
Two words: Hooker Newsies
Extra! Extra! I'll suck your cock if you read the Globe.
An industry that produces a Tom Friedman might not be worth saving.