A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Shitty Jobs for Shitty Times
Ethnic Stereotype Debunker - "You're an excellent driver, and your penis is enormous!"
Royal Taco Eater - "Your taco is safe your majesty. Safe, and delicious."
Blogger Trapper - "I done got me a big'un. HuffPo's gonna aggregate the shit out of him!"
Tattoo Ghostwriter - "I want it to say how much I love Tammy, but also show how dope her tits are."
Motel Condom Rental Agent
Death Coach = "Why don't you fucking die already?!"
Reality-Based Ghost Hunter - "Help! My house is haunted!" "No it's not. Ghosts don't exist."
Migrant Manscaper
My back could employ a Migrant Manscaper for months.