A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
My Top Secret Plans for America w/ Bonus Portrait of Rahm Emanuel
The White House
Dear Brian Mcfadden, To thank you for your commitment to liberal elitism and fart jokes, I have taken the liberty of drawing this week's "Big Fat Whale" cartoon for you:
"Allahu Akbar!" Disneyland to become secret Muslim headquarters
Mountain of confiscated guns
High speed rail that also conducts gay marriages
Wasilla oficially renamed "Turdburg"
New Sweden
Dreamy Bill Ayers' house
The Arugula Belt
Maybe get around to fixing New Orleans
Birth certificate fabrication factories
Mandatory re-education camp for redneck youth
Peace & chicken grease, Barack Obama
Thanks Mr. President, but it's the WRONG FUCKING SIZE YOU DUMMY!