A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Geek Gadget Guide
Dorito Decision Wheel "What gross flavor best compliments my mood?
iWomanizer App - Talks to girls so you don't have to. "Hello female. Care to fornicate?"
Creative Commons License Plate
"Oregon Trail" Themed GPS Navigation "Trip Canceled! You have dysentery."
Geek-to-Chic Pocket Speech Translator "GNOME is part of the GNU project." "Blah, blah, computer shit. Let's do a bump!"
Tweeting Toaster "@BigFatWhale Your toast is ready motherfucker!" "Aw yeah, it's TOAST TIME!"
Smartphone With Optional Retard-Phone Setting "Retard-phone, engage!" "Uh, der, doy, dip, ring?"
Wookie Glove Masturbatory Aid
I have no idea how my toaster got such a potty mouth.