A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
More Recession Recipes
Pity Chips: 1) Find a vending machine. 2) Turn pockets inside out. 3) Keep saying "It ate my dollar!" until successful.
Fancy Beans: 1) Put a bow tie on a can of beans for a classy treat!
For Your Garden: 1) carrots, tomatoes, green beans, nachos
Recession Salsa: 1) Mix ketchup and tobasco sauce. 2) Wear a sombrero to really sell it.
Debt Wrap: 1) Take some overdue bills from the pile. 2) Use them to make a wrap with whatever food scraps you can find.
Free Senility Bread: 1) Put on a bird costume. 2) Hang out in the courtyard of a nursing home.
Fancy beans give you fancy farts.