A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Budget Summer Vacation Ideas
Do your shopping one town over to experience the unique perspectives offered by its slightly different strip malls.
Instead of a stay-cation, try a medically induced coma-cation.
A visit with the local cat lady is just like visiting the world's saddest zoo.
Build a makeshift raft and go on a cruise to a country that has jobs and health care.
Pump the kids full of NyQuil and tell them the kiddie ride outside the Goodwill is Disneyworld.
Tourism in a Down Economy
Currency exchange rates are so bad, American tourists have been forced to carry Rai stone coins in their fanny packs.
The rising cost of airfare has forced sex tourists to settle for bus stop hand jobs.
American refugees can also use makeshift snowmobiles.