A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Conspiracy Theories of the Far Right (Tin Foil Hat Right-Wing Asshole)
Obama is controlled by a cabal of Jew's Harps!
The Fed is going to confiscate our Camel Cash!
Obama didn't pick Sotomayor because of her empathy! It was because of her telepathy!
They're sending all the rich white guys to a camp and subjecting them to enhanced reverse-discrimination techniques.
I heard he's gonna make NASCAR install bike lanes on all their tracks.
Every racist email originates from ACORN's secret White House office! They want us to forward them!
The Democrat Party snuck Spanish Fly into that lady's coffee. Then she attacked my penis...many, many times. BREAKING: Sen. John Ensign survives encounters with a vagina.
Obama's being a dick to the gays because he wants to reverse-psychology us into goin' homo.
All Supreme Court Justices have superpowers. Scalia's is super-dickery.