A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Town Hall Smack Down!
The spectacle that's sweeping the nation is coming to a town hall near you! The lineup includes...
Sergeant Dipshit "Tha guv'mint can't provide health care anywhere's as good as the VA!"
The Canadian Sheik "Single Payer is #1, eh!"
Old Coot "Dagnubbit! Medicare! Socialism! Pudding!
The Euthanizer "I only fight old people and Downs Syndrome babies."
Talk Radio-Controlled Man "Glenn Beck told me to punch you in the nuts!"
Bertha the Birther "Show me the long form!"
The Victim "Go easy on the chair, MAN! I'm uninsured!"
Bring mullets, not guns, to town halls!