A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Kennedy's Seat
Ted Kennedy's vacant Senate seat is running for itself. "I'm not just any chair. I have nearly fifty years of experience in the Senate."
I supported Teddy through every legislative battle, and I will continue to support Massachusetts. Particularly its lumbar region.
Although Kennedy's Seat has its detractors... "It's not a chair! It's a secret ottoman!"
It was upholstered in Indonesia!
We need men! Not La-Z-Boys!
...It has also inspired others to enter the race. "Mike Dukakis's Booster Seat for Senate: Lifting up Massachusetts"
Hi! I'm Rep. Stephen Lynch's hemorrhoid donut, and I need your vote!
The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and Teddy's ass groove shall never die!
If the Cape's the arm, that makes Great Barrington the lumbar.