A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Modern Medical Marvels
After losing her nose to nose-polio, doctors grafted a baboon's ass onto Dolores Gerwin's face for some reason. "Thank you, Science!"
Lactose intolerance is caused by racist stomachs. "Go back to the fridge, you coffee-diluting udder-monkeys!"
Scientists have proven that blue balls can only be caused by masturbating with colloidal silver.
The FDA hopes to ban clove cigarettes because they give off second-hand douchebaggery.
To expose, and thereby inoculate them against STDs, parents should hold key parties for their kids.
The Japanese built yet another robot to assist its growing elderly population. "Hang on while I build another robot to deal with that shitty diaper."
The newest electrolarynx features an "Auto Tune" setting. "Oooh, aww, yeah! Is something dripping from my throat-hole?"
Testicular Argyria is the preferred nomenclature.