A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Halloween Tips n' Tricks
To keep children safe from the dangers of ingesting too much Halloween candy, hospitals are offering free stomach stapling for kids' trick-or-treating bags.
If you're a white person dressing as President Obama, ask a black friend* if your costume is racist before going out. *If you don't have any, it probably is. "How do I look, Gary?"
The Snickers Quattro offers a closer shave than any other brand of tampered candy.
Those with limited mobility can use a bathroom buddy to assist them in toilet papering houses.
Costume Safety
Sexy cat, nurse, or witch costumes should be accessorized with a sexy rape whistle.
Make sure your child's costume is flame retardant, not flame retarded. "Duh, hey Stevie! Let's play with matches!"
Avoid using motel sheets for ghost costumes. "I'm a haunted jizz stain!"
JizzBusters! I ain't afraid of no spooge!