A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Publicity Stunts for the War in Afghanistan
Ignored by most Americans, the War in Afghanistan has planned several stunts for a public relations blitz. "Afghani-wha?"
A balloon of its own "Maaaah!"
An appearance on Oprah "Well, Oprah, I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard. You know?"
Adopting an African war "Who's my wittle genocide?" (Sudan)
Releasing a sex tape
Quitting Twitter "Fuck this Twitter shit, I quit! (Now will you pay attention to me?)"
Getting super pregnant "I'm having dectuplets!"
A Kanye West Interruption "Imma let you finish Afghanistan War, but the Vietnam war was the best quagmire of all time!"
Yes, Afghanistan is intersexed. Deal with it, Taliban!