A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Corporate Persons Are Jerks
Susan Walmart "I paid some brown kids very little to make these for you."
James Comcast "I'll let you check out this great website for sixty bucks!"
Joey Aetna "Your cancer is making me rich!"
Larry Coca-Cola "I did some stuff to corn that can give you diabetes. Try it!"
Tiffany Conagra "I made a burger for you! There's some shit in it, but it's at an acceptable level."
Johnny Xe (Formerly John Blackwater) "I kill people for money."
Karen H&M "I burn all my old clothes so the poor can't stink 'em up."
Michael ExxonMobil "Emissions aren't my problem"
Personally, I love caffeinated high-fructose diabetes juice.