A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Texas Textbook Excerpts
After signing the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers signed a copy of "Footprints in the Sand."
STREET SAFETY - When crossing the street, look both ways for oncoming traffic and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
HOW TO DEBATE - Yell real loud. Make up some crazy stuff. If necessary, call your opponent a socialist, communist, or traitor. Sen. Joe McCarthy, Patriot
Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence Abstinence No!
Square root of taxes equals BAD
Epidemiologists say vaccines prevent disease, but Jenny McCarthy says they cause autism. The debate continues. Correlation and causation are two big words with no known definitions. Jonas Sald, Nerd! Jenny McCarthy, Boobs!
The Origin of Man - Adam & Eve, Texans, Ronald Reagan, Pat Robertson, Pope, Muslims, gays, atheists
The cube root of Big Government also equals BAD.