A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Bleacher Seat Bingo
Beer Spill, A-hole on a cell phone "Ya dude, I'm at the game!," Puke, Sad Orioles Fan, Tacky proposal
Umpire wannabe "Ball...ball...strike...ball...," Smelly cap, Apparel overkill, Mid-pitch pisser "Excuse me.," Fan interference
Fan Ambivalence, Jumbotron whoring, Standing Room Only!, Know-it-all "I'm here for the sabremetrics.," Double beer spill
Wave-tard "Let's keep it going!," Sasquatch, Know-nothing "Wha?", Fisticuffs, Mouthicuffs "YOU SUCK!"
$10 light beer, 7th inning wedgie pick, Yankees fan, Bad team tattoo, weaponized puke
Just say no to Bingo-enhancing drugs!