A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Lifestyles of the Internet Famous
Three weeks ago, this man became an internet phenomenon. "Poot!" "Pop!"
"My fart done popped my balloon!"
He was all over the web's most popular blogs... "BlingBlong - Mr. Fart Balloon Farts His Way to Internet Stardom"
...And remixed and auto-tuned a million times over. "My fart done popped! It popped and locked!"
As interest waned, he tried to recapture the limelight. "My fart done popped my cat!" FAIL
"What riches has internet fame brough him? Let's find out!"
"Oh! I got lots of exposure!" "What did you do with it?"
"I done sold some t-shirts!" "Who Farted on My Balloon?"
Retweet wishes and pageview dreams.