A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Genetically Awesome-ified Foods and Organisms
Corn Kernels with "Fresh Scent" ass release capsules
Petri Dish Hot Dog Meat
Apartment Dogs with Well-endowed Rectums
Psychotropic Hops
Depressed Suicidal Cows "I'm killing myself anyway, so you might as well eat me and the E. coli in my butt."
De-Soyed Soy Milk "The cloudy water of the sickly!"
Tolerant Tomato Soup "Soupbell's Kosher, Halal, & Cracker Safe Soup"
Aggressive Cauliflower "Nut up and eat me, you shitty kid!"
The alternate title of this cartoon is "ASS JOKES."