A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Poor People's Class Warfare Combat Guide
Weaponize your bindle.
Release a skunk in a monocle factory.
Use psy-ops in your checks' memos when paying bills. "Suggested Memos: Kill Yourself. Eat Dix. Fiat money is pretend."
Improvised Explosive Beans
Rub a rich person's face in their mess. "You got your income disparity all over my lawn!" foreclosure
Use a mirror to recruit new class war soldiers. "See?! You're poor as shit too!"
Make Krugman cool.
Encourage others to pick more worthy targets. "I hate the gubbament and cans of soup!" "Hey, Stupid! Quit bein' so stupid!"
I'd make a guide for the rich, but they're already awesome at class warfare.