A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
2011 Headlines
BFW Today: Bernie Sanders Becomes Viral Hit "They wealthy be rapin' e'rybody up in here!"
Daily Anachronism "Ice Cream Truck with Cherry Picker Saves Man from Exercise."
The Gentrifier: Coffee Snobs & Beer Snobs Sign Peace Deal.
Daily Ding Dong: 2012 Doomsayers Already Preparing Next Dumb Theory. "2013 Ass Bug Plague" "Silly Bandz Kill!"
Day-Old News: Wikileaks Cleared After Prefacing All Releases with "Spoiler Alert." SPOLER ALERT: The gov't acts in its own interest.
The P-Reader: TSA Using Helper Monkeys in Pat-Downs.
Press-Releaser: Sassy Microbes Discovered in Mojito Lake "Yo go, girl!"
The Poppysaver: US Throws Pizza Party for Afghanistan War's Tenth Birthday "Death to USA!"
Girls probably won't be allowed at that pizza party, though.