A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Boehner's Agenda
Subsidies for Big Tissue "For your man-tears"
Replacing mini golf windmills with oil rigs
Eliminating the word "tax" from American English "Plus, no more big words!"
A formal apology to the Confederacy "Dear Crackers, We're sorry. Also, NASCAR is a fine sport. -the USA"
Reagan storytime to open each session of Congress "And that's how the Gipper defeated the evil Welfare Queen!"
Gruel infused with high fructose corn syrup only WiC-approved food "Please sir, I want some diabetes"
Guns for tots "This is my second amendment remedy to childhood poverty"
Censuring Ted Kennedy's ghost "Don't you ahsholes know? Ghosts ahn't real"
The brand name of that gruel would obviously be POWER GRUEL.