A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Winterize Your Life "Bastard Snow"
Apply Cosby sweaters to exterior walls.
Patch up drafty glory holes. "See you in spring, wall o' dicks!"
If your pipes are frozen, creepily breathe on them."Oh yeah, pipes. I'm gonna make you hot."
Help your elderly neighbors by mailing them to Florida. "This side up. ELDERLY. Handle with care."
A frostbitten foot is more attractive than one in Uggs.
Phonebooks make great kindling and insulation. "Internet for olds. Free Garbage!"
Ice dams can be melted with a well-aimed pee.
Stay warm by arguing with a climate change denier. "Weather isn't climate, you dink!"
In extreme cold, you may have to give your pipes a lap dance.