A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
"Jobs" New Careers for the New Economy
Content Farmer "Weevils done at my celebrity look-alike slideshow!"
Tent City Mayor "Poo buckets in every lean-to!"
Money Fluffer "Your wallet's so big!"
Idiot interpreter "Teachers bankrupted America" "Uninformed gibberish."
Fat-Suit-Comedy Writer "Fake Fat Grandma EXT. Carnival A hamburger falls out of her dress as she jiggles around."
Layaway Spokesperson "Hey, you guys! Layaway is totally cool again! "Credit Cards are for 'tards!"
Accredited Creationist "The syllabus is the Bible. That's it."
Black Market Scientist "Psssst! Wanna buy some science?"
I am fancy and demand a separate pee bucket.