A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Super-Mega-Hyperlocal News
Outside 59 degrees, Inside 72 degrees, Inside You 98.6 degrees, Editor-in-Chief: Creepy Pete
You Had a Sad Breakfast - There wasn't enough milk for the cereal and you watched a morning show segment about some war or economy stuff.
Top Comments - Your Mom "I'm confused." Your Mom "Is this the internet?"
Laundry Disaster Spreads to Your Living Room - Dog eats errant sock, may poop it out in the kitchen.
Mystery Smell Stalks Your Fridge - Search for source stymied by great wall of Chinese leftovers.
Friends Fail to Inform You of Weekend Plans - Those dicks.
You Slept on Your Arm Weird - So I moved it.