A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Gentrified Funny Pages
Partly Affluent. $9.50 & rising.
Can you get to the latte? Start. SOLUTION: Have the poor clear a path before they get priced out of the maze.
Al's Big-Ass Stroller Repair & Towing "Advertisment"
Check out the comics in beautiful BoFo! "Below the Fold is an up-and-coming, 'funky,' section of the paper." "Starting at $1,700 per pica!"
Condo 4-G "How was doggie yoga?" "I thought a minority was next to me!" "But it was just a lady with a tan" CLINK!
Lunch Pail Lenny "I can't afford to live close to work." "So I ride the bus for hours!" "Too bad I can't pay my fare in tears!"
It's made from marked-up Pennysavers.