A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Courting the Youth Vote "Vote for me, stupid baby!
Campaign trail shadowing Justin Bieber's tour
Voting: The Video Game
Turning primaries into reality TV competitions "Too many platitudes."
Social allowance security "No teen shall go without pocket change! For movies, or giving to some creep who'll buy them beer!"
Holding town hall meetings at the mall "We must unite this country...from the food court to whatever is at the other end!
Releasing official campaign stump speech drinking game "Fakey Fakerson for President" "Jobs - 2 drinks Security - 1 Drink God - Chug Family - Shotgun a beer."
Announcing candidacy with a lip dub video "I like big butts...so vote for me!"
Saturday morning campaign cartoons "The capital gains tax should be increased!"
These also apply to dumb old people.