A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Hipster Fart Jokes
"I wrote a song for you on my ukulele!" "Plucka plucka poot!"
"Toot!" "That doesn't smell locally grown!"
"We've got a sexy new line of nut-huggers with ironic shart stains!" (Dov Charney, American Apparel)
"PHLBBT!" "Ew, gross!" "Huh? I thought farts were cool when they're underground."
"My jeans are so skinny,...my farts begin on the outside of them." "Poot!"
"I need a burrito boost to get my fixie up hills!" "Poot!"
"Check out my sweet tat!" "Poot!"
"PHLBTT!" "That wasn't a fart,...it was a butt-Tumbl."
Politics, schmolitics. This is my calling.