A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Minor League Pundits
The Apathetic Teen - Detention Hall for Meh "What...ever! You old people are gonna ruin everything before I even get pubes!"
Your Belligerent Uncle - Every Wedding Reception "I like that Bachmann lady. She's mean and dumb, just like me!"
A Female Minority - The Institute for Un-Disenfranchisement "My skin is brown, but my opinions are golden!"
Remixed clips of FDR - The Internet Foundation "Social Security's pretty great. Hating it is for dum-dums!"
The Facebook Columnist - "Confirm my friend request!" "They're gonna be sorry they hit 'Hide all posts!'"
Ms. Minimum Wage - Center for a Subsistence Wage "I work two jobs and I'm supposed to come up with opinions?"
Drunky - Drunk Tank for American Chirrhosis "I drink to forget, but even I remember when taxes made ... BURP!"
Clompy the Horse - Stables for a Stable Drug Policy "One clomp for 'yes,' two fer 'no,' and three for'marijuana reform.'"
The fainting goat has some pretty good ideas about sleep, too.