A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
College Etiquette Guide
Get to know your TA as a person before begging for an extension on your homework. "Thanks for asking! I'm hiding out in academia to avoid paying child support."
Instead of shouting, send a formal invitation asking your peers to binge drink. "Dear bro, You are cordially invited to chug!"
Carry a parasol to bring dignity to your walk of shame.
What Not to Call Your Professor "Mr. Wizard, liberal-elitist, beardo, not-Einstein, prof dawg, hey, old nerd!, tweedy, Beakman, Dr. Syllabutt, explainer guy, chalk jockey, tenure slut"
Pajama pants are acceptable for any class that begins before 10am. However, boner--restraining underwear is highly recommended for males.
Don't masturbate in the showers. Use a stall like a classy congressman.
Be polite when paying your student loans. "Thanks for the financial burden!"
However, they all make great pet names.