A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
A Quagmire to Remember
Our fabricated source, "Goofball," leaked two pages from the Iraq War Yearbook to BFW Headquarters.
Richard "Office of Special Poops" Perle
Paul "Suck my PNAC" Wolfowitz
Colin "Four Star Chump" Powell
John "Not Ron Swanson" Bolton
Donald "Pissy Pepaw" Rumsfeld
Dick "Big Time" Cheney
Condoleezza "Mushroom Tips" Rice
George "Who Farted?" Bush
Class Couple: Ahmed Chalabi and Judith Miller
J.V. Torture Team (Abu Ghraib, Lynndie England)
Varsity Torture Team: CIA Headquarters, George Tenet, redacted, redacted, redacted, redacted
Do you want to invade Iran with me? Yes, no, maybe
"Goofball" informs us the mercenary and contractor editions are still pending.
I'd be cool with voter photo IDs if they had laser backdrops.