A weekly comic strip, covering politics, pop culture, and the absurd.
Shitty Cinema Season
Garry Marshall's Yankee Swap - Ashton Kutcher, "Socks? But I gifted a camera!"
White House Keg Party - Obama, "Get off my lawn!...If you can't party!"
White Lady Empathizes - "Socioeconomic injustice still a thing."
Stephen King, Quentin Tarantino in: Distractingly Acting
Wernor Herzog's Desk of Forgotten Novelty Erasers
Spaghetti Middle-Western - "High noon in the Olive Garden parking lot! Please."
1 Angry Centipede - A jury of posteriors
Adam Sandler in: Cashin' a Check - "Bankity dippity doo!"
The Bill of Rights entitles all of us to trial by human centipede.